Dark Joseph Ravine Quotes

Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 6

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 6

"Life is never about what you want. It is about understanding what is available to you." - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 5

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 5

“We dwell on the past thinking we could have been better or done something better. The reality is that you could never be better or do something better because some people never change and whatever is meant to be, will be.” - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 4

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 4

“You cannot create new opportunities in life if you keep harping on the past.” - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 3

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 3

“When they say I will never be successful, I say the creator decides if I will be successful or not.” - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 2

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 2

“Trust opens opportunities, but it is easy to destroy and hard to gain. Building trust is challenging, but on many levels, it can make a huge difference in life.” - Dark Joseph Ravine

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