Dark Joseph Ravine Quotes

Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 11

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 11

“When someone tells you no, do not try to make them say yes. Move on and go another direction. Life consists of many directions.” - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 10

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 10

"By harming others, you are only hurting yourself and if the other person is not affected, you’ve wasted your energy." - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 9

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 9

"People believe success means money and personal gain. I say success means happiness because it cannot be bought." - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 8

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 8

"It is better to see things for yourself than to believe what others say." - Dark Joseph Ravine

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 7

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Dark Joseph Ravine Quote 7

"You do not have to give money or presents for people to like you. Sometimes, you can be a good person and help someone in a way that does not require any compensation." - Dark Joseph Ravine

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